Rustic Chair Cushion Mockup Set

This product is a part of Fabric Factory v.10 Mockup Bundle,

in: MockupsHome & Living
ID: 1649312085
Rustic Chair Cushion Mockup Set-1.jpg

About the Product

What is Rustic Chair Cushion Mockup Set?

Check out this Rustic Chair Cushion Mockup Set by Creatsy! Mockup files are a must-have tool for every designer, artist, and illustrator who wants to share their artwork realistically. This mockup is perfect for showing your designs! This mockup is guaranteed to impress while showing off your custom illustration and pattern designs. Creatsy provides high-quality pictures warped into incredible mockups for every occasion. Every file gives you sharp, clear images to work with. You can change the color and design and set a custom color or design for the background. Included with the Rustic Chair Cushion Mockup Set are JPEG preview images for your convenience.  


This mockup set is excellent for designers, illustrators, and those who work-or want to work-in the design industry. A fantastic way for surface designers to demonstrate their design skills in their portfolio is by harnessing the power of mockups. The well-organized, customizable Adobe Photoshop layers of the mockup set enable you to showcase your design realistically, bringing your designs to life. Your motifs and patterns take center stage in this product mockup. Pitching the next best-selling product is a cinch using the Rustic Chair Cushion Mockup Set mockup template by Creatsy.

  • Compatibility: Adobe Photoshop min. version CC 2020, Photopea
  • Includes: 9 PSD files with well-organized layers: 6000x4000 px and 4000x4000 px, 300 dpi,  
  • Editable components: color and design change,
  • Example artwork by Julia Dreams /,
  • (patterns are NOT included, this product is a mockup intended for you to add your own designs).
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What makes Creatsy different from other mockup providers?

Creatsy’s mockups feature well-organized files with objects and shadows saved on individual layers for easy saving. Mockups always include a white Amazon-ready background for selling products. All mockup files are made using smart objects to preserve details and allow for maximum editability. With easy-to-edit smart objects and color layers, elements can be relocated, fully customized, or removed—completely personalized to fit your needs.

Files In Use

Crustacean Core-IMG_1417.PNG
Crustacean Core
by Mariana Santos Perez
Africa Pattern Collection-IMG_9814.PNG
Africa Pattern Collection
by Imrik Studio
Rustic Chair Cushion -IMG_6022.PNG
Rustic Chair Cushion
by imrikStudio®
Native American Design-IMG_5719.PNG
Native American Design
by Elaine Bozza
Native American Designs-IMG_5717.PNG
Native American Designs
by Elaine Bozza
Flower Pattern-IMG_3911.PNG
Flower Pattern
by Bhl Designs

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creatsy mockup mockup mockups mock-ups template templates smartobject design creator generator customizable custom designed personalized pattern patterns surface printed cushions fabric fabrics cushion textiles vintage chair rustic upholstery pillows
PhotopeaAdobe Photoshop
.psd .jpg .pdf
File types
6000x4000 Chevron right
1.92 GB/ 2.06 GB
File size