Having trouble downloading or unzipping our mockup file? Don't worry, we're here to help! Follow the instructions below and solve your problem quickly.
Your problem with the ZIP archive is most likely due to either an incomplete download of the file or an error in the ZIP file extractor. It could also be a combination of both.
Your first step? Navigate to the Downloads tab in your user profile on the creatsy.com website (make sure you're logged into your account first!). Check the file size and compare it to the ZIP file you downloaded. Are they the same?Keep in mind that the size may appear slightly different depending on whether you're using Windows or MacOS, so make sure you're looking at the right one.

If the file size matches, please click here: Troubleshooting Unzipping ZIP files on Windows or here: Troubleshooting Unzipping ZIP files on MacOS.
If the file size does not match, please click here: Troubleshooting Downloading Zip File Issues
Important Notice: Remember to verify the file size next to the specific file you've downloaded, the size displayed next to the Dropbox icon or on the product page indicates the total size of all files, not the size of the specific package.