Fabric Bolts Mockup Set (21/FFv.6)

This product is a part of Fabric Factory v.6 Fabrics Mockup Bundle,

in: MockupsFabrics
ID: 1864229205
Fabric Bolts Mockup Set (21/FFv.6)-1.jpg

About the Product

What is the Fabric Bolts Mockup Set (21/FFv.6)?

Discover the extraordinary Fabric Bolts Mockup Set (21/FFv.6) by Creatsy—a revolutionary product mockup that defies boundaries and propels your designs to unparalleled heights. Meticulously crafted with attention to detail, the Fabric Bolts Mockup Set (21/FFv.6) seamlessly presents your artwork mesmerizing and captivatingly. Each layer has been thoughtfully organized in Adobe Photoshop, ensuring effortless navigation and optimal display of your designs. Integrating your artwork with the product is flawlessly executed, preserving its vibrancy and color saturation. Experience the enchantment as expertly crafted overlay layers of shadows and highlights seamlessly blend your creations into the mockup scene, forging a truly immersive visual experience.

Creatsy. Infinite.

Prepare to embark on endless customization possibilities, where your creations come alive with unrivaled realism, texture, and ambiance. With Creatsy, design versatility knows no bounds. From solid colors to gradients and custom designs, our mockups empower you to tailor them precisely to your unique specifications. Even if you're new to Adobe Photoshop or the world of mockup templates, fear not! Our tools come complete with step-by-step instructions, ensuring that mocking up your designs is effortless and enjoyable.

  • Compatibility: Adobe Photoshop min. version CC2020,
  • Pack includes 1 PSD file with well-organized layers: 6000x4000 px, 300dpi (one file for one fabric type),
  • Check screenshot for all the features,
  • Editable components: color and design,
  • Patterns applied on mockups by: Tashi Tsering: www.tashistudio.com,
  • Patterns are NOT included, this product is a mockup intendent for you to add your own designs.
Fabric Bolts Mockup Set (21/FFv.6)-3.1.jpg
Fabric Bolts Mockup Set (21/FFv.6)-4.1.jpg
Fabric Bolts Mockup Set (21/FFv.6)-5.1.jpg
Fabric Bolts Mockup Set (21/FFv.6)-6.jpg
Fabric Bolts Mockup Set (21/FFv.6)-8.jpg

Files In Use

Botanic Fiorenzo II-Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 13.28.39.png
Botanic Fiorenzo II
by Imrik Studio
Floral Wilderness-IMG_8416.PNG
Floral Wilderness
by Christine Weenk
Botanical Flowers-IMG_4629.PNG
Botanical Flowers
by Mamidu

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creatsy mockup mockup mockups mock-ups template templates smartobject design creator generator customizable custom designed personalized pattern patterns surface printed fabric fabrics cotton linen roll sewing bolt stack bolts textiles
Adobe Photoshop
.psd .jpg .pdf
File types
0.98 GB/ 1.05 GB
File size