150 Shells Bundle (isolated objects)

in: Isolated objects
ID: 1257988437
150 Shells Bundle (isolated objects)-0 copy.jpg

About the Product

- over 150 shells, starfishes, corals etc;

- file specs: .tiff (layered) 6000x6000 px --> 2000x2000 px (depends of the real size of object);

- precisely cutted from background, with separated shadow you can switch off or replace by changing the smart object;

- amazing quality pictures /Canon 5D Mark IV;

- well organized layers as in all of other Creatsy mockups.

150 Shells Bundle (isolated objects)-1a copy.jpg
150 Shells Bundle (isolated objects)-2.1 copy.jpg
150 Shells Bundle (isolated objects)-2.2 copy.jpg
150 Shells Bundle (isolated objects)-2.3 copy.jpg
150 Shells Bundle (isolated objects)-2.4 copy.jpg
150 Shells Bundle (isolated objects)-2.5 copy.jpg
150 Shells Bundle (isolated objects)-2.6 copy.jpg


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mock-up mockup mock up mockups template print printing printable printed creatsy custom design customizable personalized sublimation sublimated etsy shop online smart object shellmockup shell shellpicture isolatedshell isolatedshadow shadow minerals wood stick sea ocean water isilatedrocks isolatedmineral isolatedminerals assets shellbundle realshell crab seahorse seashell seashellmockup isolatedseashell high quality pictures photos coral isolatedcoral starfish cone pearl pearls seahorse mineral rock snail beach sand sun cuttedshells shells cutted from background customcolor many types topview branch woddenbig cut cutshells wooden isolatedrocks nature spiral collection summer texture animal fauna cutout perfectisolatedshellswithwhitebackground psdtifbundlewithisolatedshadowavaliable.isolatedshadow retouchedshellsveryhighquality.perfectlycutoutshells
Photopea Adobe Photoshop Affinity Designer Chevron right
.psd .jpg
File types
4.2 GB/ 4.51 GB
File size